
martes, 22 de octubre de 2019

3º British: Gapminder World

It was the last 200 years that changed the world. In 1809 all countries of the world had a life expectancy under 40 years and an income per person less than 3000 dollar per year. Since then the world has changed but it was not until after the second world war that most countries started to improve.

For the first time, Gapminder can now visualize change in life expectancy and income per person over the last two centuries. In this Gapminder video, Hans Rosling shows you how all the countries of the world have developed since 1809 – 200 years ago.

After re-watching the short video in class and studying the interactive graphic, answer the following questions as complete as possible:

Remember: this activity is mandatory and can be done individually or in pairs. Send an email with your answers (LAST DAY: 8 November) to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. 

  1. Why is good for Goverments to have detailed stadistics of the population?
  2. Why do you think some countries are unhealthier than others with the same income? 
  3. Why was the UK richest in 1800? 
  4. In 1950 there were mainly two groups of countries: medium-income countries (“the West”) and low-income countries (“the rest”). Why? What were the exceptions? 
  5. Discuss the situation of the oil exporters. You can point out a few examples of the graphic. Do you think there are any problems with being dependent on one major income source? 
  6. What does it means “absolute poverty”? And “relative poverty”? 
  7. Choose one healthy country and one poor country, them compare at least 4 point (see the bar at the left side of the graphic) and try to guess/explain the causes of those differences. 
  8. Summarize the key points of the full video.

Good luck! :-)

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