
martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

4º British: History of USA

Now that we have just started the topic about North America, maybe you would like to start by taking a look back at some Native American history from the twentieth century with these clips from British Pathé (9:03 minutes).

Also, you can revise these two gifs about the Native American Lands and the evolution of non-native states over time.

How did the process of independence start? It was not easy... You can study this infographic or read the full text of the Declaraction of the Independence of the 13 colonies (July 4, 1776). Soon after that, they had to face an internal deep problem: a Civil War and the confrontation because civil rights and social issues. 

And finally, here you have the presentation of "Political evolution of Black America" and the opportunity of having a look at the Civil Rights Movement in America, with clips including Martin Luther King and James Meredith, from British Pathé (13:51 minutes).

Remember that you have to do a weekly work before Chistmas holidays so it will be a good idea read the famous speech "I have a dream" of Martin Luther King (1963). You can also watch the speech on youtube (15 minutes).

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