
viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

1º British: Terracotta Warriors of Xian

Welcome time-traveling students! You have chosen to research a fascinating topic that is still standing from the days of Ancient China.  This is a double-task activity that can be done individually or in groups (maximun, 3 people). When finish, send an email with your work to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es.  

First, research!. You have to do a presentation (prezi or pdf format, no other formats will be accepted) about Qin Xi Huang and his country. Items you MUST include:  

  1. Map of Ancient China
  2. Portrait and short biography of Qin Xi Huang
  3. How was culture and society on those times?
  4. The achievements of Emperor Qin Xi Huang (1): the Great Wall
  5. The achievements of Emperor Qin Xi Huang (2): the Terra Cotta Warriors.  This is the most important part so try to do your best and do a complete research: when and why were they built? Where are they located? How are they made of? Who discovered them and when? etc.
To start with, you may find additional information in the following links:

Qin Dynasty (Wikipedia) It is only an introduction to the topic, but you ought to visit other (more accurate) websites like the Met Museum or the China Highlights; You can also visit  some touristical pages, such as or travel Guide .

You can add maps, portraits, photos... anything that you think is relevant. You have to elaborate your own writting; copy/paste is not allowed and it would mean a penalization on your mark. 

Second: oral speak at class! Turn yourself into an historian and teach us all you know about Qin Xi Huang and his terracotta warriors! (Duration average: 5-8 minutes). Of course, if you are doing the task in groups, ALL the members of the team HAVE TO talk. Cooperation and the use of appropiate vocabulary will be also keep in mind. 

As usual, this work is mandatory and it will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it or you give it out of date, the mark will be a 0. 

Enjoy the work and good luck! :)

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