
lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2021

3º British: Ávila, a sustainable city

Have you ever think in ruling a city? Now it’s your opportunity! :) You can determine now the route Ávila will take in becoming the most environmentally friendly, safe, and sustainable it can be!


Firstly remember the key words: Sustainability is the way to secure the QUALITY OF LIFE FOR THE FUTURE OF ALL INHABITANTS OF A CITY. It is not only about renewable energies and ecology, it is also about smart (tech) cities, about safety and about total and equal access to health, culture & leisure facilities.


How can you do it? Each member of the group will become one of the four Sustainability Experts, completing the urban design from an expertise point of view:

Renewable Energy Consultant

Public Transportation Manager

Accesibility Supervisor

Waste Management Officer


Roles decided and shared, now write a report with 10 ideas (explained as complete as possible) to improve the sustanaibility of Ávila. In that report you must incluye, at least, these requirements:

  • One idea linked to energetical sources
  • Two proposals linked to environment (eg. waste management, pollution, street lights,  green spaces, etc.)
  • One idea about transport and mobility

Of course, in your report you HAVE TO include also some pictures and obviously also your street plan! Google maps will be a basic tool in this activity. If you, for example, want to create a solar pannels power station, you must point in the map (screenshot) where are you planning to locate it and why.


As you know well your place and are quite aware of what Ávila could need, you will have only one week for doing this activity. Communication, cooperation, collaboration and a bit of creativity are vital to making this research process a success!  

When finish, as usual, send it to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es in pdf format. This work will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish them or you give it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for this work.


Here are some additional documents and links that can help you get started with your project design:

What's a Sustainable City, Anyway? Article by James Elsen, CEO of Sustain Lane

Safe cities for Women (United Nations Program)

European Disability Strategy

Case study: el Pris (Tenerife) 

Accesibilidad Global (in Spanish): legislation & glossary.

And you can always remember the example of Curitiba (Brasil)


Enjoy it! And... good luck! 

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