
miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2019

2º British: Great explorers of Modern Age

In the first term we studied the most famous travellers of Medieval Age (Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta and Zheng He). Modern Age was the time of the Great Explorations: the discovering of America and the circumnavigation of the Globe. Let’s study it!

First of all, watch carefully the following TED-ed video about Magellan’s adventure (about 6 minutes, in English).

Secondly, fill in the class worksheet as completely as possible. If you need some extra help, there is plenty of information on the IAPH dossier (in Spanish), with wonderful illustrations about what is needed on board or the different parts of an exploration ship; and also the mariners museum web, including a complete guide of the Health measures on board that will be quite useful for your task.

When finish, give the complete worksheet to the teacher. As usual, this work is mandatory. If you do not finish it, do it out of date or just copy&paste from internet, your score will be 0.

Ready? Steady? Go!

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