
martes, 5 de marzo de 2019

2ºBritish: G.O.S.T.- Stage 6: Emperor Charles and the Habsburg dynasty (“Los Austrias")

The "Revolt of the Comuneros" was a key event in the early reign of Charles I, grandson of the Catholic Monarchs and new king of both Castilla & Aragón (1517). Firstly, read this complete article by Geografía Infinita explaining the causes of the revolt, the battle and its consequences

You can also watch the following historical performance video of the battle (in Spanish). We will discus it at class and I will release the final mission for those who still need another opportunity... 

Some useful links for studying the Revolt of Comuneros are the Fundation Villalar web, the Battle development and a Historical review

Charles I was crowned emperor in 1519, named Charles V. Here you have a terrific video by AcademiaPlay about his life (11 minutes, in Spanish).

After Charles I, his son Philip II became king and fixed the capital city in Madrid, building the religious and palatial complex of "El Escorial". Philip II, the most powerful king in the whole world in that century, had to deal with many problems; one of the most famous episodes was the Anglo-Spanish War. That video (13 minutes) will teach you the events. 

As a curious historical event, it would be quite interesting to do some online research about the two Japanese diplomatic embassy that include the Iberian Peninsula in their official route.

Both Charles I and Philip II were also called "Austrias Mayores", because of the power and strengh. Meanwhile their heirs (Philip III, Philip IV and Charles II) were called "Austrias Menores" because, although Spain was still the largest empire in the world, things had started to change into society and the international scenario...

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