
miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021

2º British: Your own guided visit to Ávila

As promised, it is your turn to become professional touristical guides. In groups (maximun 4 people) you will several days to prepare a guided visit to ONE of the following historical monuments of Ávila:
  • Medieval Wall
  • Cathedral
  • Basilica of San Vicente
  • Convento La Encarnación
  • San Pedro (El Grande)
  • San Andrés

The guided visit will be ONLY about the exterior area but there are several parts you MUST talk about (historical context, architectural plan, author, main gate, decoration, etc.). It would be also interesting and positive if you can add a legend or historical anecdote linked to your chosen monument. In any case, be aware that you should be able to talk 8-12 minutes! 

You can use the official website of Avila Tourism to study the monuments and there are also some tips for speaking as professional guides (both webs in Spanish). Prepare your speech/draft (pdf format) and 3 high-resolution images and send them to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es. 

The oral explanation of your choosen monument will take place LIVE. Of course, all members of the team HAVE TO talk. Collaboration and team effort would be important.

As usual, this work is mandatory and will be part of your final score this term. If you fail to do it, you will receive a 0.

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