
miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021

1º British: Population in extreme weather zones

Today's activity requires a more elaborated work: you must choose ONE community that lives in extreme weather conditions (see the list below) and do a reseach (as usual, PDF format), as complete as possible, about their way of life. You can (must) add maps, graphs and pictures.

You should include (at least) the following ítems:

- Environment and climate: Where do they live? (add a MAP with the location) How is the climate and the landscape in which they live? (add a CLIMATE GRAPH).

- Life: How do they live? (Economic activities, housing, food ...); How do environmental factors influence their clothing and ornaments? Why is it said that they represent one of the most extreme cases of human adaptation?

- Problems and adaptation: Have they experienced any kind of marginalization? Which one? Have they changed their traditional way of life in recent years? How? Why? Has it been a positive or negative change? Why? What problems do these people face nowadays?

- Conclusions: your opinion about the chosen community. What have you learned or has called your attention?

- Webgraphy (links to websites consulted) and Credits (which section was done by each team member).

This work can be done individually or in groups (maximum, 4 people). When finish, send your work (both files) to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es (remember that you can use wetransfer.com freely and safely). After that, you will also do an oral presentation in class. As usual, this work will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish them or you give it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

Here is the list where you can choose from:

- Life in the bush: the Masai (Africa)
- Life in the desert: the Tuareg (Africa)
- Life in the desert of South Africa: Bushmen
- Life in the Asian desert: Mongolian herders
- Life in the woods: the Irulas or "snake hunters" (India and Sri Lanka)
- Life in the Amazon: the Yanomami (Brazil).
- Life on the tundra: Sami (northern Europe)
- Life in polar regions: the Eskimos or Inuit (Alaska, Canada and Greenland)
- Life in the heights: the Sherpas (Nepal), well known among mountaineers.

Two links you can use for starting your research: Brightside and ATI

Good luck with the work! :)

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