
viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

2º BRITISH: Artists from the Renaissance

Your new task during the following days will bean INDIVIDUAL research about ONE artist from the Renaissance. You can choose the format that you like the most (power point, prezi, video, infographic...) as now you know many digital tools :) 

The research must be as complete as possible (and of course has to include photos. Remember that you can also add some "extra" material such as the link to a short video): 

  • Brief biography of the artist (between 10 and 15 lines).
  • Three masterpieces by the artist, with a full explanation (the title, the “mecenas” or art collector, what does it mean, what is it important for, when was it done, where is it now...).
  • Conclusions: opinion about the artist.
  • Webgraphy (links to websites consulted). 

Here is the list of Renaissance’s artist you can choose from:

Painters: Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana (two women!), Miguel Angel, Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael Sanzio, El Greco, Luis de Morales, Alonso Sánchez Coello, Botticelli, Giotto, Durero, Fra Angelico, Uccello, Filippo Lippi.
Sculptors: Miguel Angel, Donatello, Ghiberti, Vasco de la Zarza, Diego de Siloé, Felipe Vigarny, Alonso de Berruguete, Juan de Juni, Cellini, Jacoppo Della Quercia, Lucca Della Robbia.
Architects: Miguel Angel, Brunelleschi, Bramante, Juan de Herrera, Pedro Machuca, Michelozzo, Alberti.

Besides my theoretical notes, here there are some links for starting:

·                     Renaissance Art & Artists
·                     Interactive Renaissance
·                     Renaissance Art in History Channel

When finish, sent the work as an attached file to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. LAST DAY: Tuesday 24, March)As usual, this work is mandatory and will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it, do it out of date (10 March), or just copy, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

The following week you should focus on the Monthly Work nº5, which you will also deliver it by email (LAST DAY: Tuesday 31, March).

Of course, if you have any doubt during these days about any of both tasks, just send me an email and I will answer you back as soon as possible. 

Keep calm and go on! J

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