
viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

3º British: Flipped class - Review for natural environment

People usually think that teaching is easy: you just stand up in front of students and talk. But is it really so simple? Do you think YOU could become good teachers? Let’s have a try!

In the following days you will have to prepare a FULL LESSON. Not a simple power point or 10 minutes oral speech... a full real class, 45 minutes explaing a topic, giving examples and solving doubts. Wow! That’s a real challenge! :)

This activity will also help you and your partners to revise the natural environment topics for your IGCSE exams so take it seriously.

Task 1: Prepare a complete lesson plan (in groups of maximun 4 people) about ONE of the following topics:

  1. Earthquakes and volcanoes
  2. Rivers
  3. Coast
  4. Weather
  5. Equatorial climate
  6. Hot desert climate

When finished, send all the materials created to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es  (remember that you can freely and easily use wetransfer.com).

Of course, you can also include materials that help or illustrate the explanation (those materials can be based on both my notes or the BBC website. You can also try revision world altough it is quite hazy and old-fashion web). In case you decide to use short videos (in English) the maximun total lenght would be 10 minutes. You can also prepare some photocopies for your “students” if you like. Remember that you HAVE TO include one case study as example.

Remember not to wait until the very last day, and send me from time to time your materials, in order to revise them and offer you orientations and advices. 

Task 2: Turn yourself into teachers! After the deadline, you will do your masterclass. As usual ALL members of the team MUST speak (and it will be NOT just reading from the screen but to be self-confident enough to TEACH).

This activity is mandatory and you will receive a mark for it; collaboration between menbers and teamwork would be also taken into consideration. If you fail to do it, do it out of time or just copy&paste from internet, you will receive a 0.

Ready? Steady?... GO! 

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