
domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

2º British: Europe in the 17th century - Absolutism

Last task before your well deserved Eastern holidays! Watch the following video by Crash Course European History (13 minutes, in English) and answer the following questions (not necessary to explain anything, most part of them are solved with a singgle name):

1. What was Absolutism? (definition)
2. Who was the most famous example of Absolutist king?
3. What was his nickname?
4. Who defended the Absolutism?
5. Who was the most prominent of all Louis's officials?
6. What was the name of the economical theory in that century?

That's all! Send me your answers by email (last day Thursday, 2 April) and then... enjoy your holidays! :) Hopefully, we'll meet again in our classroom after that!

Take care.

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