
domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

4º Online II World war lesson

In the following weeks, we will study the II World War. You have my theorical notes but to complete them each Tuesday (starting tomorrow, Tuesday 14 April) I will publish here on my blog a new post with contents and more detailed information. At the end of each post you will have several questions to answer by email (they will be very easy questions just to check that you have read the information or watch the videos provided, actually).

There is only one monthly work more (Nº 7) which, actually, is more focussed on the Interwar period, already explained at class before all this lockdown situation, so you can start doing it (if any particular doubt, just ask me, ok?). The last day for this monthly work is Thursday, 7 May.

One of the “casualties” of this situation is our traditional Historical short-film festival but... I’ve planned an alternative! I will post the details later on May (I don’t want to stress you out so soon) but, yes it will be also about a video J. That new task is mandatory and will cover the 20% of your mark.

And finally, if there is not an exam, how do you get the 60% of the mark? You will write a special essay (that is, your opinion) about a specifical topic. Again: I will post the details later on May and even provide a link to a newspaper’s article. Do you agree or desagree with it? Why? What do you think is happening with that issue in the future? Etc. Your answer must be fully developed and well argumented but, as it will be your opinion, it shouldn’t be difficult, right?.

Any question or doubt? Are you ready?

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