
domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

3º Online lesson

First of all, we should finish the task we’ve started: your lesson plan! You sent me your materials but the main part of this activity was the oral speaking. How can you do it now from home? Can you guess it? Yes! A video! :) That is not new for you, actually: remember your worderfull historical performances from the last year “Spanish America’s TV news” J

But let’s focus: each member of the team has to record a video with his/her part. After that, combine the different fragments into a single video. Of course, you can also insert the images, graphics or videos that you have previously choosen. The total duration of the video should be between 20 and 40 minutes. Because that final video will be too big for an email, the best solution is uploading it to youtube (anyone that has a gmail account can do it); be patient, it will probably take some time. When finish, you only have to send me the link J  Of course, if during the process you need help or want a revision, just email me, ok?

The last day is Monday, 27 April. With this activity you will get the 20% of your final mark.

And what about the theoretical topics that remain unexplained?

In the following weeks, we will finish the study of the Tertiary sector: we have explained most part of that topic before the lockdown (Do you remember the last class?) and now we will finish the topic talking about tourism. You have my theorical notes but to complete then each Monday (starting that same Monday 27 April) I will publish here on my blog a new post with contents and more detailed information. To evaluate that topic, you only have to do its monthly work (Nº 4). As usual, if any particular doubt, just ask me, ok?. The last day for this monthly work is Friday, 8 May.

Next topic (8: Globalization). Quite easy topic and even funny, don’t worry. Again: each Monday I will release a new post with contents. At the end of each post you will have several questions to answer by email (they will be very easy questions just to check that you have read the information or watch the videos provided, actually).

And that’s all about theory because one of the “casualties” of this situation is the revision of your mapping skills (topic 9 and monthly work 5). My experience has taugh me that is quite difficult and students really need the teacher’s support to have clear explanations (a video is never enough for this specifical case) and the possibility of total individual attention to clarify doubts. Therefore, we are skipping this part.

And finally, if there is not an exam, how do we get the 60% of the mark? You will write a special essay (that is, your opinion) about a specifical topic. I will post the details later on May (I don’t want to stress you out so soon) and even provide a link to a newspaper’s article. Do you agree or desagree with it? Why? What do you think is happening with that issue in the future? Etc. Your answer must be fully developed and well argumented but, as it will be your opinion, it shouldn’t be difficult, right?.

Any question or doubt? Are you ready?

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