
lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

4º British: Online World War II lesson. Stage 1: Road to war

There we go... A deep study of the World War II. Firstly, let’s have a look to the “big numbers”: the following graphic shows the number of deaths in the different conflicts of the 20th century. The green circles represents militar casualties, meanwhile the orange circles represents civilians. The big orange circle (36 million of civilians) includes all the people killed in the concentration camps.

Remember that Germany was not accepted into the League of Nations until years later... and soon after it was accepted, Hitler reached power and left it. What did the League of Nations them? Nothing. They were in favour of the British Appeasement policy.

The following link will show you the first chapter of my classroom presentation. It is quite big so that’s why I decided to divide into chapters ;) In it, you can see the different steps that Germany and its allies from The Axis took until the official start of the war. One special and dramatic event was the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Besides reading those two links, it would be also necessary to watch the following videos by Khan Academy:

Video 1. Beginning of WWII (both Europe and Pacific front). 8 minutes in English.
Video 2. Victories of the Axis (1939-41). 6 minutes in English.

Now, to show that you have really revised all that information (if necessary, you can also do a quick online search), send the answers to the following questions to blogeducativo08@gmail.com before Tuesday, 21 April:

Question 1: What was the Anschluss or Pan-Germanism?
Question 2: What was the Sudentenland?
Question 3: What was the appeasement policy?
Question 4: What were the members of The Axis?
Question 5: When did the WWII officially start?
Question 6: What was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?
Question 7: What was the Blitzkrieg of Lightning war?

That’s all for this week. If any doubt, just ask me, ok?

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