
domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

Back to home-schooling!

Good morning everyone! 

Hope all of you are fine and healthy... We still have several weeks of quarantine ahead so let’s face it the best we can.

Because this is a totally new and unexpected situation, I have rescheduled both the timeline and the syllabus and I have something positive for you: there will be NO EXAMS this term, hoooray!!!. No matter how this situation evolve, even if we can go back to classroom before summer, you won’t have exams on my subject :) Needless to say, you will have some other homework and tasks. And, as far as you send them well-done and on time, you will reach the maximum score in the “behaviour” percentage (10%).

What do you have to do from now on? Well, click on the pertinent link and you will discover it:

And, as usual, anything you need just email me (blogeducativo08@gmail.com), I’ll be here for you.

Have a nice day and take care.

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