
viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

That's all, students!


Despite the extra level of stress and difficulty, we manage to complete another academic year. Congratulations to all for your marks and your good behaviour! You really deserve your summer holidays!

As usual, this last post also include some recommendations. Needless to say, this year's reading suggestions are about other historical pandemias...

The ghost map: the story of London's most terrific epidemic (cholera), by Steven Johnson. 

The pale rider: the Spanish flu of 1918 and how it changed the world, by Laura Spinney.

A planet of viruses, by Carl Zimmer.

Pandemias, by Tomek Żarneck

Of course, do not forget you may find other titles (both books and films) from previous years in the tab: Recommendations.

Enjoy the summer! Have fun... but take care! 

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