
lunes, 17 de mayo de 2021

2º British: How to organise an art exhibition “I’m a curator of Museo del Prado”


Before starting, we need a definition... What does an ART CURATOR do?


In the art world, the title of "curator" identifies a person who selects and often interprets different works of art, whether they be paintings, statues, tapestries, or video art. In addition to selecting works, the curator is often responsible for writing labels, catalog essays, and other content supporting art exhibitions.

Art curators (in Spanish: “Comisario de la exposición”) have an eye for a variety of art forms and a passion for staging artwork in a way that creates interest in the exhibition space, whether it is small or large, contained within four walls, or staged outdoors.


What is your new task them?

Being a curator of an exhibition in Museo del Prado is a really beautiful but quite demanding job, there is a lot of pressure and responsability over your soulders... that is, precisely, why this activity can be done individually or in groups (maximum 3 people).


The activity is divided in 3 stages, all of them mandatory. You will have in your email the basics but pay attention to the detailed explanations the teacher will provide at class:


Stage 1. Preparation. Choose a topic/theme and 12 art masterpieces that fit that topic. They should be mostly paintings but you can also include one sculpture or another artifact (such as furniture or jewellery). From that total of 12 artworks, 2 of them MUST be from outside Museo del Prado; therefore, you will have to prepare requests forms for museum loans, transportation and insurance. Of course, such as ambitious plann will costs money, take care with the budget provided! If you can “find” a sponsor, you will “receive” some extra useful funds... When finish, send all the documents (in pdf format) to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es


Stage 2. Working on! Settle an exhibition takes time as it includes the distribution of the artworks in the exhibition room, and the design of the advertising poster and catalogue. Again, when finish, send all the documents and updated budget (in pdf format) to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es


Stage 3. Ready to open. The artworks are ready but... have you think in all the complementary activities needed in a museum? Educational workshops for schools, guided visits, etc. Be creative with this part but stick to the plan and budget! Again, when finish, send all the documents and updated final budget (in pdf format) to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es



What a deal! Do not panic, it looks difficult but not impossible. Remember: Check your email and you will find the instructions and documents for dealing with the first stage; pay attention to the explanations and clarifications provide at class (and to the delivery date for it!). Ready? Steady? Go!


You can start by, of course the official websiteof Museo del Prado, where you can see its complete online catalogue, with all the technical and historical information, and even a very useful clasification by topics... Another good link is the online universal catalogue Art&Culture by Google.

As usual, this activity is mandatory and you will receive a mark for it. If you failed to do it, do it out of time or just copy&paste, your mark will be zero (0).

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