
domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2021

Deadlines for second term

These will be the deadlines for the second term (do not panic, you will have enough time to do your homework after Christmas; your duty now is enjoying your holidays!): 

1º British

Oral: 7 Wonders of ancient times _ Friday, 21 January

Exam I (Greece)_ Wednesday, 2 February

Monthly work nº3 (Classic World) _ Friday, 9 February

Exam II (Rome)_ Wednesday, 23 February

Monthly work nº4 (Ancient Britain) _ Wednesday, 9 March

Book review (details here/page 2) _ Friday, 11 March

2º British

Comic _ Monday, 24 January

Video: Spanish America TV news _ Monday, 7 February

Monthly work nº4 (America)_ Monday, 14 February

Monthly work nº5 (Modern era)_ Monday, 7 March

Exam I (if necessary)_ Monday, 21 February

Exam II (if necessary)_ Monday, 14 March

3º British

Oral: Searching a job in Europe! _ CV delivery (Monday, 17) & Interview (Monday, 24) January

Monthly work nº2 (Primary sector)_ Monday, 31 January

Videoscribe _ Monday, 14 February

Monthly work nº3 (Secondary sector)_ Monday, 21 february

Exam (Primary & Secondary sectors)_ Monday 14 & Tuesday 15, March

4º British

Monthly work nº4 (Industrial) _ Friday, 28 January

Twitter (Victorian era & Industrial)

  • Election of roles (Friday, 14 January)
  • Development: Tuesday 18 to Tuesday 25, January 

Historical newspaper (1914)Friday, 11 February

Spanish flu vs CovidFriday, 18 February

Monthly work nº5 (IWW & Russia) _ Friday, 25 February

Exam (Industrial Rev, IWW & Russia Rev.)_ THURSDAY 10 & FRIDAY 11, March

Have a nice day and take care.

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2021

3º British: Ávila, a sustainable city

Have you ever think in ruling a city? Now it’s your opportunity! :) You can determine now the route Ávila will take in becoming the most environmentally friendly, safe, and sustainable it can be!


Firstly remember the key words: Sustainability is the way to secure the QUALITY OF LIFE FOR THE FUTURE OF ALL INHABITANTS OF A CITY. It is not only about renewable energies and ecology, it is also about smart (tech) cities, about safety and about total and equal access to health, culture & leisure facilities.


How can you do it? Each member of the group will become one of the four Sustainability Experts, completing the urban design from an expertise point of view:

Renewable Energy Consultant

Public Transportation Manager

Accesibility Supervisor

Waste Management Officer


Roles decided and shared, now write a report with 10 ideas (explained as complete as possible) to improve the sustanaibility of Ávila. In that report you must incluye, at least, these requirements:

  • One idea linked to energetical sources
  • Two proposals linked to environment (eg. waste management, pollution, street lights,  green spaces, etc.)
  • One idea about transport and mobility

Of course, in your report you HAVE TO include also some pictures and obviously also your street plan! Google maps will be a basic tool in this activity. If you, for example, want to create a solar pannels power station, you must point in the map (screenshot) where are you planning to locate it and why.


As you know well your place and are quite aware of what Ávila could need, you will have only one week for doing this activity. Communication, cooperation, collaboration and a bit of creativity are vital to making this research process a success!  

When finish, as usual, send it to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es in pdf format. This work will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish them or you give it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for this work.


Here are some additional documents and links that can help you get started with your project design:

What's a Sustainable City, Anyway? Article by James Elsen, CEO of Sustain Lane

Safe cities for Women (United Nations Program)

European Disability Strategy

Case study: el Pris (Tenerife) 

Accesibilidad Global (in Spanish): legislation & glossary.

And you can always remember the example of Curitiba (Brasil)


Enjoy it! And... good luck! 

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

1º British: Terracotta Warriors of Xian

Welcome time-traveling students! You have chosen to research a fascinating topic that is still standing from the days of Ancient China.  This is a double-task activity that can be done individually or in groups (maximun, 3 people). When finish, send an email with your work to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es.  

First, research!. You have to do a presentation (prezi or pdf format, no other formats will be accepted) about Qin Xi Huang and his country. Items you MUST include:  

  1. Map of Ancient China
  2. Portrait and short biography of Qin Xi Huang
  3. How was culture and society on those times?
  4. The achievements of Emperor Qin Xi Huang (1): the Great Wall
  5. The achievements of Emperor Qin Xi Huang (2): the Terra Cotta Warriors.  This is the most important part so try to do your best and do a complete research: when and why were they built? Where are they located? How are they made of? Who discovered them and when? etc.
To start with, you may find additional information in the following links:

Qin Dynasty (Wikipedia) It is only an introduction to the topic, but you ought to visit other (more accurate) websites like the Met Museum or the China Highlights; You can also visit  some touristical pages, such as or travel Guide .

You can add maps, portraits, photos... anything that you think is relevant. You have to elaborate your own writting; copy/paste is not allowed and it would mean a penalization on your mark. 

Second: oral speak at class! Turn yourself into an historian and teach us all you know about Qin Xi Huang and his terracotta warriors! (Duration average: 5-8 minutes). Of course, if you are doing the task in groups, ALL the members of the team HAVE TO talk. Cooperation and the use of appropiate vocabulary will be also keep in mind. 

As usual, this work is mandatory and it will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it or you give it out of date, the mark will be a 0. 

Enjoy the work and good luck! :)

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2021

2º British: World travellers in Medieval Times.

Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta and Zheng He are some of the most important travellers of all times but... who is the greatest one? Would you like to find it out? Would you like to discover their adventures? This is your oportunity!

First of all, let's have a revision about the origin of the Silk trade route though this article by Geografía Infinita (in Spanish).

This is a double-task activity and can be done individually or in groups (maximun, 4 students). First, do an online research and prepare a presentation (pdf or prezi; no other format would be accepted) with the following 7 topics:

1. Short biographies: write a short bio of each historical character (maximum: 10 lines per character). Add also their portraits.

2. Why travelling? Explain what was the main target of their travels: Bussiness? Holidays? Geographical explorations? Militar conquest?

3. Routes: How old were them when they began their journeys? How long did the journeys take? Who did the longest travel? Which countries did they visit? (Yes, in this question you can just add a map...)

4. Primary sources: find some texts from their original books. Choose one extract from it (In your presentation you have to include the text, the chapter it belongs to and the country it is talking about). Them explain why you have chosen that text in particular.

5. Deep study of the place: from the text you have chosen in the previous section, do a deeper study of the area nowadays: Are the cities mentioned on the text still existing? What does the landscape look like nowadays in this area? What differences do you observe between the original description and nowadays situation? You can add images and photos.

6. Imagine you are a young explorer. Use the Internet to research a country that you would like to visit. In a short essay (about 15-20 lines), describe the country, the people, and the sights you will see in this country.

7. Opinion: after studying these three historical characters, which one do you think that is the greatest explorer? Why?

Here you have some links to start:

Marco Polo (in Spanish)
Ibn Battuta (in Spanish)

When finish, send an email with your work to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es

Second: oral talk at class! Turn yourself into an historian and teach us all you know about them! Required duration: 10-15 minutes. Of course, if you are doing the task in groups, ALL the members of the team HAVE TO talk. Cooperation and the use of appropiate vocabulary will be also keep in mind. 

This is a mandatory activity and you will receive a mark for it. Of course, cooperation, task-sharing and team-effort will be taken into consideration. If you fail to do it, do it out of time or just copy&paste from internet, you will have a 0.

Are you ready? Go on, enjoy... and good luck! :)

martes, 19 de octubre de 2021

4º British: The Umbrella’s Revolution at Hong Kong, 2014

As I usually tell you in class, History is always repeated. This is the reason why is so important to have a good knowledge about our past. As an example, you will start a comparaison between the French Revolution (1789) and the so-called "Umbrella’s revolution" (2014). I am sure you will find this up-to-date activity quite different and interesting.

It is a triple-task activity. Read carefully the instructions and answer ALL the questions as completely as possible. It can be done individually or in pairs. When finish (deadline: Monday, 17 October), send your answers in PDF format as attached file to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es This activity is mandatory and you will receive a mark for it.

Task 1. Research. Use information from the BBC article “Hong Kong’s Democracy Debate” to answer the following questions:

1.1. In what year did China take control of Hong Kong?

1.2. How was the leader of Hong Kong elected before the Revolt?

1.3. What change to Hong Kong’s election process did the Chinese government announce in August 2014?

1.4. Why did this upset democracy activists in Hong Kong?

1.5. How has China responded to the protests?

Task 2. Photo analysis. From this collection of photos, choose 2 of them and explain their meaning. Maybe you need also to read this BBC explanation of symbols.  

Add the chosen photo in your document with each comment. Did you find something specially interesting or surprising in the photos? (What? Why?). Keep in mind that a photograph cannot give you a complete picture of the protests, and you should be careful about drawing conclusions from the photographs.

Task 3. Comparaison with the French Revolution. Use your own knowledge to answer the following questions:

3.1. What were the similarities and differences between both Revolutions? Name, at least, 3 similarities and 3 differences.

3.2. Did the Umbrella’s Revolt get through the same steps that the French revolution? Why?

3.3. Do you think that they (both) were a success or not? Why?

3.4. Why do YOU think people is still revolting in different parts of the world?

Ready? 3, 2, 1...

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2021

3º British: Studying Geography by riding a bike_ La Vuelta

Good news! Today I bring a new and a bit different activity for studying the Geography of Spain: La VueltaRun from Saturday 14 August 2021 to Sunday 5 September 2021, La Vuelta 21 was made up of 21 stages and covered a total distance of 3.417 kilometers!


How does it work?

You (or your group) must choose ONE of the CCAA that received La Vuelta this year  and do a detailed research of it; therefore, the first thing to do is visit the official website of the cycling tour: https://www.lavuelta.es/en/overall-routeThe activity will be organise in different tasks or stages (as in the ride!) and you will be adding marks to your score. Ready? 


Section 1: Inaugural time trial

Exam of political Spain (CCAA – provinces – capital cities). The teacher will provide a blank map for solving the riddle in a maximun of 10 minutes during a class.


Section 2: Study of the physical geography of the chosen CCAA 

Create a mind-map, a prezzi or a ppt presentation with the information required in the following items (remember that it would be always a good idea to include images or maps that can illustrate your answers!):

- Brief description of its natural relief; if having several environments, include a mention of all of them (flat, mountainous, coastal...)

- Brief description of its fluvial system (What are the most important rivers in that region? Are they long or short? Why? How are their flow rates? What sea / ocean do they flow into?)

- Brief description of its weather/climate; if having several climatic areas, include a mention of all of them (do not forget to include some climate graphs to illustrate this point)

- Brief description of the tipical vegetation and fauna linked to that climatic condictions.


When finish this part, send your file in pdf format (or the link to your prezi presentation) to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es.


Section 3: Study of the human geography of the CCAA


Create a mind-map, a prezzi or a ppt presentation with the information required in the following items (remember that it would be always a good idea to include images or maps that can illustrate your answers!):

- Population (To check the official census, the best option is the website of INE but datosmacro could be also hepful for the detailed population piramids)

- Population analysis: is the population well balance or uneven distributed in any particular group? (eg. Very low percentage of young population). Why? Could the CCAA suffer any type of problem derivated from that?

- Is there any remarkable phenomena linked to population of that CCAA? (eg. natalist policies, migration waves...)

- Population distribution: what are the main cities? How is their shape and size?, what about the rural areas? Are the “emptied areas”? Why?... For illustrating this point it would be necessary to include images (screenshots) from google maps (you can use the "street" or "satellite" option. Or both!)


Again, when finish this part, send your file in pdf format (or the link to your prezi presentation) to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es.

A usual, some basic rules before starting: this activity can be done individually or in groups (maximum, 4 people); it would be a long-larsting activity, with different sections among the academic year, keep that in mind and stay focus ;) Of course, this is a mandatory activity; If you do not do it, or do it out of time, your mark here will be 0.

Ready? Steady?... go!

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2021

British: Academic Information for 2021-22

Hello, hello! Hope you have enjoyed a great summer because... we are back!

In the following links you can read the academic information for this academic year: 

As usual, you can also read the Assesment Criteria and donwload the "text book" and the monthly works for homework in the tab "APUNTES". 

Are you ready? 3... 2... 1... Let's go! :)

viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

That's all, students!


Despite the extra level of stress and difficulty, we manage to complete another academic year. Congratulations to all for your marks and your good behaviour! You really deserve your summer holidays!

As usual, this last post also include some recommendations. Needless to say, this year's reading suggestions are about other historical pandemias...

The ghost map: the story of London's most terrific epidemic (cholera), by Steven Johnson. 

The pale rider: the Spanish flu of 1918 and how it changed the world, by Laura Spinney.

A planet of viruses, by Carl Zimmer.

Pandemias, by Tomek Żarneck

Of course, do not forget you may find other titles (both books and films) from previous years in the tab: Recommendations.

Enjoy the summer! Have fun... but take care! 

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2021

2º British: How to organise an art exhibition “I’m a curator of Museo del Prado”


Before starting, we need a definition... What does an ART CURATOR do?


In the art world, the title of "curator" identifies a person who selects and often interprets different works of art, whether they be paintings, statues, tapestries, or video art. In addition to selecting works, the curator is often responsible for writing labels, catalog essays, and other content supporting art exhibitions.

Art curators (in Spanish: “Comisario de la exposición”) have an eye for a variety of art forms and a passion for staging artwork in a way that creates interest in the exhibition space, whether it is small or large, contained within four walls, or staged outdoors.


What is your new task them?

Being a curator of an exhibition in Museo del Prado is a really beautiful but quite demanding job, there is a lot of pressure and responsability over your soulders... that is, precisely, why this activity can be done individually or in groups (maximum 3 people).


The activity is divided in 3 stages, all of them mandatory. You will have in your email the basics but pay attention to the detailed explanations the teacher will provide at class:


Stage 1. Preparation. Choose a topic/theme and 12 art masterpieces that fit that topic. They should be mostly paintings but you can also include one sculpture or another artifact (such as furniture or jewellery). From that total of 12 artworks, 2 of them MUST be from outside Museo del Prado; therefore, you will have to prepare requests forms for museum loans, transportation and insurance. Of course, such as ambitious plann will costs money, take care with the budget provided! If you can “find” a sponsor, you will “receive” some extra useful funds... When finish, send all the documents (in pdf format) to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es


Stage 2. Working on! Settle an exhibition takes time as it includes the distribution of the artworks in the exhibition room, and the design of the advertising poster and catalogue. Again, when finish, send all the documents and updated budget (in pdf format) to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es


Stage 3. Ready to open. The artworks are ready but... have you think in all the complementary activities needed in a museum? Educational workshops for schools, guided visits, etc. Be creative with this part but stick to the plan and budget! Again, when finish, send all the documents and updated final budget (in pdf format) to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es



What a deal! Do not panic, it looks difficult but not impossible. Remember: Check your email and you will find the instructions and documents for dealing with the first stage; pay attention to the explanations and clarifications provide at class (and to the delivery date for it!). Ready? Steady? Go!


You can start by, of course the official websiteof Museo del Prado, where you can see its complete online catalogue, with all the technical and historical information, and even a very useful clasification by topics... Another good link is the online universal catalogue Art&Culture by Google.

As usual, this activity is mandatory and you will receive a mark for it. If you failed to do it, do it out of time or just copy&paste, your mark will be zero (0).

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021

1º British: Population in extreme weather zones

Today's activity requires a more elaborated work: you must choose ONE community that lives in extreme weather conditions (see the list below) and do a reseach (as usual, PDF format), as complete as possible, about their way of life. You can (must) add maps, graphs and pictures.

You should include (at least) the following ítems:

- Environment and climate: Where do they live? (add a MAP with the location) How is the climate and the landscape in which they live? (add a CLIMATE GRAPH).

- Life: How do they live? (Economic activities, housing, food ...); How do environmental factors influence their clothing and ornaments? Why is it said that they represent one of the most extreme cases of human adaptation?

- Problems and adaptation: Have they experienced any kind of marginalization? Which one? Have they changed their traditional way of life in recent years? How? Why? Has it been a positive or negative change? Why? What problems do these people face nowadays?

- Conclusions: your opinion about the chosen community. What have you learned or has called your attention?

- Webgraphy (links to websites consulted) and Credits (which section was done by each team member).

This work can be done individually or in groups (maximum, 4 people). When finish, send your work (both files) to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es (remember that you can use wetransfer.com freely and safely). After that, you will also do an oral presentation in class. As usual, this work will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish them or you give it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

Here is the list where you can choose from:

- Life in the bush: the Masai (Africa)
- Life in the desert: the Tuareg (Africa)
- Life in the desert of South Africa: Bushmen
- Life in the Asian desert: Mongolian herders
- Life in the woods: the Irulas or "snake hunters" (India and Sri Lanka)
- Life in the Amazon: the Yanomami (Brazil).
- Life on the tundra: Sami (northern Europe)
- Life in polar regions: the Eskimos or Inuit (Alaska, Canada and Greenland)
- Life in the heights: the Sherpas (Nepal), well known among mountaineers.

Two links you can use for starting your research: Brightside and ATI

Good luck with the work! :)

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021

2º British: Your own guided visit to Ávila

As promised, it is your turn to become professional touristical guides. In groups (maximun 4 people) you will several days to prepare a guided visit to ONE of the following historical monuments of Ávila:
  • Medieval Wall
  • Cathedral
  • Basilica of San Vicente
  • Convento La Encarnación
  • San Pedro (El Grande)
  • San Andrés

The guided visit will be ONLY about the exterior area but there are several parts you MUST talk about (historical context, architectural plan, author, main gate, decoration, etc.). It would be also interesting and positive if you can add a legend or historical anecdote linked to your chosen monument. In any case, be aware that you should be able to talk 8-12 minutes! 

You can use the official website of Avila Tourism to study the monuments and there are also some tips for speaking as professional guides (both webs in Spanish). Prepare your speech/draft (pdf format) and 3 high-resolution images and send them to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es. 

The oral explanation of your choosen monument will take place LIVE. Of course, all members of the team HAVE TO talk. Collaboration and team effort would be important.

As usual, this work is mandatory and will be part of your final score this term. If you fail to do it, you will receive a 0.

3º British: Experts committee about Global Warming

What is an “Experts committee”?

A work technique in which a group of students discuss as experts (Each one specialize in some aspect of the issue) an issue in dialogue or conversation with the group. The conversation can be casuak but it has to be rational, without discussions and exhibitions lead away from the topic

Who is involved? In groups (maximum, 6 people), you will have to share the following roles:
  • Experts: 3 experts who deal with all aspects of the issue for the group is reported. Experts MUST prepared with anticipation at least 3 accurate and professional resources (graphics, short videos, scientifical articles, etc.) that can support their explanations. Resources have to be well identify (title, author, university, details of publication, etc.)

  • Moderator: Introduce the committee members, organizes time, directs the conversation, introduce clarifying questions. This person must prepare a detailed script and a complete list of potential questions.

  • Journalist. 1 journalist, writting a scientical report for National Geographic, asking the experts all the questions that should be known: what is Global Warming? Why is it dangerous? What can we do for stop it? etc. / on the other hand, 1 denialist blogger trying to create controversy. In both cases, they must prepared with anticipation at least 3 resources that can support their explanations.
All those sources and documents MUST be sent by email on the 11 May to blogeducativo08@gmail.com. The debate will take place on 18 May.

How to do it?

1. How to performance the debate? You are special guests in a university conference ;) The moderator presented to the committee’s members (besides name, some special item you want the public to know about their knowledge of the subject). Asks the first question on the subject.

2. One member of the committee initiates the conversation with his/her colleagues.

3. The moderator has to intervene to ask new questions, if you see that there are aspects that have not been touched or if someone deviates from the topic. The moderator will be encouraged if the dialogue lapses, but without giving his/her opinion. When possible, the moderator also invites the journalists to contribute with his/her questions, ideas or doubts (or stops the blogger if too much controversy or violence).

4. The debate must last 25-30 minutes. After that, the moderator will invite each panel member to briefly summarize their ideas (briefly means one minute only).

As students of 3ºBritish and already veterans on this particular issue, you are expected to performance much greater and elaborated roles, and you will be evaluated accordingly.

Tips and Helps

You can have a look in the following webpages: Worldwatch Institute and also BBC NewsroundAnd here there is a list of questions that can be done during the debate:

  • What is Global Warming?
  • What are the causes of Global Warming?
  • Does everybody agree with the theory of Global Warming, or is there some kind of controversy? Why?
  • In science, what is the difference between “Theory” and “Hypothesis”?
  • What is “Carboon footprint”?
  • What can WE do?
  • What can the Governments do?
  • What is the Kyoto Protocol?

Ready? Watch, read… go on!

viernes, 16 de abril de 2021

2º British: working with primary sources

A first online work about the Spanish Armada (from a British point of view). Here you can read some documents of The National Archives.

Read carefully and do the task 1 to 6. You should see also the "Background" and "Armada Timeline", where you will read useful information... As usual, answers should me as complete and detailed as possible. 

domingo, 21 de marzo de 2021

Deadlines for third term

Hello! Here you have all the tasks and activities for this last term. Keep calm and carry on! :)

1º British

Make your own volcano! _ Thursday, 15 April

Monthly work Nº5_ Thursday, 22 April

MAPS_ Thursday, 4 May

EXAM (Maps)_ Thursday, 13 May

Population in extreme weather conditions_ Thursday, 27 May

Monthly work Nº6_ Thursday, 3 June

EXAM (Climates)_ Thursday, 10 June

2º British

Gamification (GOST)_ If exam of Unit 7 is required, Tuesday, 4 May

Gamification (Museum)_ If exam of Unit 8 is required, Tuesday, 25 May

Create your own historical comic!_ Friday, 16 April

Guided visit to Ávila_ Friday, 14 May

Monthly work Nº6_ Friday, 4 June

3º British

Monthly work Nº4_ Tuesday, 20 April

EXAM_ 26 and 27 April

Monthly work Nº5_ Tuesday, 4 May

Global Warming experts committee_ Tuesday, 18 May

Globalization_ Tuesday, 25 May

EXTRA! Monthly work Nº6 (volunteer)_ Tuesday, 1 June

4º British

Monthly work Nº6_ Tuesday, 20 April

BBC History reporters_ Tuesday, 27 April

Monthly work Nº7_ Tuesday, 11 May

EXAM_ 19 and 21 May

EXTRA! Monthly work Nº8 (volunteer)_ Wednesday, 26 May

lunes, 25 de enero de 2021

4ºBritish: History updated - Spanish flu & Covid19 comparison


This is a quite interesting activity that will help you to understand how History is always repeating itself (as shown in this special review of Crash Course World History: Disease! - 11:40 minutes)

As it is also quite demanding 3-task activity, it can be done individually or in pairs.


Task 1. Spanish flu historical research. Read carefully the provided sources and underline the most relevant data/information. Them fill in the  first column of the provided chart with the summarise information in each category.

Tip: You should watch this overview from CBS Sunday Morning that summarizes the current COVID-19 outbreak in Washington State as of March 8, 2020 and introduces the Spanish Flu of 1918 (The story of the 1918 flu pandemic - length 6:37) or check this terrific historical dossier from CDC (Center for disease control & prevention). 


Task 2. Search on Covid-19 sources. Now you must select 6 sources of information (in English) about the current COVID pandemia and categorized them following the previous example (scientific, cultural, etc.). Please, include those sources (text, images or links) in your document with a brief explanation of why you find them so relevant and representative for stiying this current pandemia.

When finish, fill in the  second column of the previous chart with the summarise information in each category.

Tip: main sources that you can use for starting your research in this specifical task (do not copy that general links as sources; you MUST choose the articles or graphics that can be more representative in each category of the chart):

Washington Post - New York Times - BBC – IG @covidartmuseum


Task 3. SETTING UP THE COMPARISON. Now that you have read, research and categorise sources of information from both pandemias, you have to set up the comparaison by answering the following question:

To what extent is the Coronavirus outbreak of 2020 similar to the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918?

The student thesis should qualify an argument that sets-up a 2 to 1 comparison (2 differences/1 similarity OR 2 similarities/1 difference).  The sources and their analysis previously done should guide their argument structure decisions. 

Here is an example of this type of thesis/argument structure model (that you have to complete and develop properly in a fully argumented answer!): Although the outbreaks have similar global reach, they differ in their mortality rates and government responses...

This third part can be done in a pdf file (about 25-30 lines) or by filming a short video / Teams conference (about 3-4 minutes).

When finish, send an email with ALL files (chart, covid selected sources and comparaison) in PDF format (or .AVI if choosing video in the last task) as attached files to acarriles@educa.jcyl.es. Last day: Friday,  18 February.

Of course, this activity is mandatory and will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it, do it out of date, or just copy&paste from a webpage, the mark will be a 0 for this work.

Ready? Steady?... go!