martes, 31 de enero de 2017

Beca Monbukagakusho (Japón) para 2017

La noticia de hoy está dirigida a mis antigu@s alumn@s: Si alguna vez os habéis planteado la posibilidad de estudiar en una Universidad de Japón o simplemente queréis vivir una experiencia única, ¡ésta es vuestra oportunidad!

El Ministerio de Educación, Cultura, Deportes, Ciencia y Tecnología (MEXT) del Gobierno de Japón ofrece becas a estudiantes extranjeros para estudiar por un periodo de un año en determinadas universidades japonesas con el fin de adquirir y/o profundizar sus conocimientos de idioma japonés, de temas sobre Japón y de cultura japonesa. 

Toda la información está disponible en la web de la Embajada.


viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

2º British: Precolombinian cultures in America

Choose ONE Precolombinian culture (Mayans, Aztecs or Incans) and do a deep study of it. The file (PowerPoint, Word or Prezi) should include between 15 and 30 slides. You must include the following sections (of course, you should also add several pictures):

Settlement: place and date, main cities.
Society and economy.
Art, religion and traditions (yes, sacrificies included).
The culture and the arrival of the Europeans.
Conclusions: opinion from all members of the group about the culture.
Webgraphy (links to websites consulted)

When finish, send it as attached file to: (make sure you send the last and complete version!).

And here are some links for starting:

This work is compulsory and it will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish them, you do it out of date or you don’t do the presentation, the mark will be a 0 for that work.

Good luck!

martes, 24 de enero de 2017

4º British DEBATE: Legislation and Industrial Revolution

We are living at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (around 1840). You have been asked by one of the recently formed social welfare groups to investigate the issue of child labor in the mines of northern England.  These mines are an important part of Britain's industrial progress and provides wealth for the nation, however the conditions in these mines are often dangerous and unhealthy...

The Government should take a decission about a possible labour legislation, because of that they called for a meeting with difference groups and perspectives:

A group of members of the British Parliament
A group of businessmen, worried about their benefits
A Trade Union, representing the workers

You have a two part task:
First, prepare a small report that tells the Government what is best for Britain and why (obviously, the idea of what is “best” is different depending on the group you are in!). Make sure that you justify your position with evidence. Remember, come to your decision based on facts, not emotion. You also need to also prepare a list of 2-3 witnesses who will testify to the Parliament on the nature of working conditions in the mines/factories.  Make sure to have a name, age, occupation, and short description of their point of view on their list.
Meanwhile, the Government group should prepared a draft of a possible labour legislation, with different options, like the Factory Bill (1802). 
When finish, send those reports, send it as an attached file to You can also print it and bring to class for the debate.
Second: debate at class! Now you have your arguments, data and witnesses prepared, you have to defend your point of view in class, and try to convince the Government (that will be also the moderator) for legislating in your own side. And the end, the Government group MUST take a decission and suggest the key points of their new Labour Legislation (giving arguments of why that decission).
All the members of the group MUST speak (minimun: two interventions each), giving rational and coherent, well-argumented answers. The use of appropiate vocabulary and historical backgrounds will be also keep in mind. You will have the full hour for the debate if needed, so take your time and do your best!

Resources you can use:

Female workers (with data and graphics)
Industrial Revolution Child (Speeches, testimonies and Acts)
Factory Acts (from 1802 to 1961)
Utopian Socialism. Key points (in Spanish)

This work is mandatory and will be part of the score at the end of the term. If you fail to finish it or do it out of date, the mark will be a 0 for this work.
Go on!

lunes, 23 de enero de 2017

4º British: Haikus

Haiku is a type of poetry that dates back hundreds of years in Japan and is a contemplative yet very succinct verse relating a seasonal moment. Containing only 17 syllables broken into 3 lines (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables), haiku poetry has been compared to a photograph of nature. 

Here you have your great and emotional haikus: 4ºA and 4ºB-C. Can you recognise who is the author of each one? J

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

4º British: An approach to Japan

If you are curious about this topic and you want to learn more things about this millenary civilization, you can visit Mr. Gray wikispace, where you can find many videos (art, music, theater, samurais...).

And there is also a fantastic BBC documentary film on Youtube about the full History of Japan but... it last almost 3 hours! So it is maybe too much, isn't it?

By the way, the cover image of this post is a drawing of Hokusai, one of the best Ukiyo-e painters. Believed or not, the influence of Ukiyo-e prints was felt far and wide.For example, Post-Impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh was inspired by these Japanese prints that were exported to France in the late 1800's. 


martes, 10 de enero de 2017

Think before you...

T _ is it True?
H _ is it Helpful?
I _ is it Inspiring?
N _ is it Necessary?
K _ is it Kind?

Safer Internet Day 2017 will take place on Tuesday 7th February, with the theme: "Be the change: unite for a better Internet". You can learn how to protect yourself on Internet by reading the following document from INCIBE (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad) or by visiting their website for students

"Think before you..." slogan thanks to Medford Technical High School