domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

3º British: Spanish Constitution & Statute of Autonomy of Castilla y León

Today’s activity is a timed-trial! You will have only THIS class for answering, as complete as possible, the 10 questions of this documentYou can start searching the info here:

  • The Statute of Autonomy of Castilla y León was approved on 25 February 1983. You can read the full text (by chapters) in this link from the Congress/Statutes of Autonomy.

When finish, send the document with your answers and name, as a attached document, to

Go on!

By the way, if you are intrigue about the Statutes of Autonomy in other “Comunidades Autónomas” you can visit the website of Aelpa, the Observatory of remodelling legislation.

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